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Illnesses Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke A set of illnesses icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a sick person sneezing into a tissue, sick person getting temperature checked using an infrared thermometer, checklist, cancer patient with bandana on head, person getting their heart checked by a doctor using a stethoscope, person with a fever, person with a stomach ache, little girl with chickenpox, person with nausea covering mouth, overweight person, doctor holding patient chart, person getting vaccine, depressed mother holding newborn, little girl with a fever, cancer patient getting radiation treatments, doctor with arm around an obese person, hand with an IV, person with heart rate monitor nodes, patient getting blood pressure checked by physician, doctor doing a checkup, depressed person with mental illness, person with skin cancer, patient in sick bed and a woman experiencing pregnancy sickness covering mouth. Vomit stock illustrations
Illnesses Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke A set of illnesses icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a sick person sneezing into a tissue, sick person getting temperature checked using an infrared thermometer, checklist, cancer patient with bandana on head, person getting their heart checked by a doctor using a stethoscope, person with a fever, person with a stomach ache, little girl with chickenpox, person with nausea covering mouth, overweight person, doctor holding patient chart, person getting vaccine, depressed mother holding newborn, little girl with a fever, cancer patient getting radiation treatments, doctor with arm around an obese person, hand with an IV, person with heart rate monitor nodes, patient getting blood pressure checked by physician, doctor doing a checkup, depressed person with mental illness, person with skin cancer, patient in sick bed and a woman experiencing pregnancy sickness covering mouth. Vomit stock illustrations

A set of illnesses icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a sick person sneezing into a tissue, sick person getting temperature checked using an infrared thermometer, checklist, cancer patient with bandana on head, person getting their heart checked by a doctor using a stethoscope, person with a fever, person with a stomach ache, little girl with chickenpox, person with nausea covering mouth, overweight person, doctor holding patient chart, person getting vaccine, depressed mother holding newborn, little girl with a fever, cancer patient getting radiation treatments, doctor with arm around an obese person, hand with an IV, person with heart rate monitor nodes, patient getting blood pressure checked by physician, doctor doing a checkup, depressed person with mental illness, person with skin cancer, patient in sick bed and a woman experiencing pregnancy sickness covering mouth.

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