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"Halka" Delicious Sweet Rings. Photo a tray full of "Halka" sweets. These kind of sweet "Churros" are street desserts in Turkey and the Balkans countries. They are mostly called Halka Tatlisi in Turkish, which translated means Circular Dessert, because of its shape. Similar rings sweets likem Halka are found in Iran under the name of "Tulumba" or "Bamiyeh". sharp candy stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
"Halka" Delicious Sweet Rings. Photo a tray full of "Halka" sweets. These kind of sweet "Churros" are street desserts in Turkey and the Balkans countries. They are mostly called Halka Tatlisi in Turkish, which translated means Circular Dessert, because of its shape. Similar rings sweets likem Halka are found in Iran under the name of "Tulumba" or "Bamiyeh". sharp candy stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Photo a tray full of "Halka" sweets. These kind of sweet "Churros" are street desserts in Turkey and the Balkans countries. They are mostly called Halka Tatlisi in Turkish, which translated means Circular Dessert, because of its shape. Similar rings sweets likem Halka are found in Iran under the name of "Tulumba" or "Bamiyeh".

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