School Backgrounds stock illustrations

Browse 458,200+ school backgrounds stock illustrations and vector graphics available royalty-free, or search for classroom background or back to school to find more great stock images and vector art.

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Education Icons On Gray Background Pattern Flat icon set in vibrant colors relating with education - school learning subjects like math, biology, chemistry, gym, writing, reading ect. There is also an emphasis on modern learning technologies, like e learning and using technology devices in between learning process. Icons are randomly placed on a flat blue-grayish background. Icons looks nice also on a lighter backgrounds like white and gray.  school backgrounds stock illustrations
Education Icons On Gray Background Pattern Flat icon set in vibrant colors relating with education - school learning subjects like math, biology, chemistry, gym, writing, reading ect. There is also an emphasis on modern learning technologies, like e learning and using technology devices in between learning process. Icons are randomly placed on a flat blue-grayish background. Icons looks nice also on a lighter backgrounds like white and gray. school backgrounds stock illustrations

Flat icon set in vibrant colors relating with education - school learning subjects like math, biology, chemistry, gym, writing, reading ect. There is also an emphasis on modern learning technologies, like e learning and using technology devices in between learning process. Icons are randomly placed on a flat blue-grayish background. Icons looks nice also on a lighter backgrounds like white and gray.

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