Kids Volcano Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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show and tell a primary aged schoolgirl and schoolboy stand at the smart board  with their model volcano and explain how it works to the class  . Their classmates sit on the floor around them and raise their hands to ask  questions. Their teacher sits and supervises from the side . kids volcano stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
show and tell a primary aged schoolgirl and schoolboy stand at the smart board with their model volcano and explain how it works to the class . Their classmates sit on the floor around them and raise their hands to ask questions. Their teacher sits and supervises from the side . kids volcano stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

a primary aged schoolgirl and schoolboy stand at the smart board with their model volcano and explain how it works to the class . Their classmates sit on the floor around them and raise their hands to ask questions. Their teacher sits and supervises from the side .

Image of girl painting model volcano, made for school project Photo showing a girl making / painting a homemade model volcano, created for a school project (Geography school project).  This small volcano model was created using a base of chicken wire, shaped as a mountain and stapled to a solid wooden base.  The miniature volcano was then covered in paper mache / machier, which was painted with a combination of grey paint mixed with soil, sand and gravel, to create a realistic texture. kids volcano stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Image of girl painting model volcano, made for school project Photo showing a girl making / painting a homemade model volcano, created for a school project (Geography school project). This small volcano model was created using a base of chicken wire, shaped as a mountain and stapled to a solid wooden base. The miniature volcano was then covered in paper mache / machier, which was painted with a combination of grey paint mixed with soil, sand and gravel, to create a realistic texture. kids volcano stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Photo showing a girl making / painting a homemade model volcano, created for a school project (Geography school project). This small volcano model was created using a base of chicken wire, shaped as a mountain and stapled to a solid wooden base. The miniature volcano was then covered in paper mache / machier, which was painted with a combination of grey paint mixed with soil, sand and gravel, to create a realistic texture.

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