Old Broken Wagon Wheel Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Derelict Wagon Wheel in Field East of Yosemite National Park is Bodie, a 19th century ghost town. On a beautiful autumnal day a derelict wagon wheel sits upright in a field near abandoned buildings of the former gold mining town. Partly cloudy skies bring a feeling of joy and happiness to the otherwise empty and abandoned landmark. old broken wagon wheel stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Derelict Wagon Wheel in Field East of Yosemite National Park is Bodie, a 19th century ghost town. On a beautiful autumnal day a derelict wagon wheel sits upright in a field near abandoned buildings of the former gold mining town. Partly cloudy skies bring a feeling of joy and happiness to the otherwise empty and abandoned landmark. old broken wagon wheel stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

East of Yosemite National Park is Bodie, a 19th century ghost town. On a beautiful autumnal day a derelict wagon wheel sits upright in a field near abandoned buildings of the former gold mining town. Partly cloudy skies bring a feeling of joy and happiness to the otherwise empty and abandoned landmark.

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