Tailback Photos Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Two Football Players Jump Stretch for Airborne Ball A royalty free DSLR action photo of two football players battling for an airborne ball in a stadium setting. Clad in gray and red uniforms, both players jump and stretch in midair above an astroturf field. The player in gray seems to have the advantage. This image was captured under actual game conditions reflecting competitive intensity.  tailback photos stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Two Football Players Jump Stretch for Airborne Ball A royalty free DSLR action photo of two football players battling for an airborne ball in a stadium setting. Clad in gray and red uniforms, both players jump and stretch in midair above an astroturf field. The player in gray seems to have the advantage. This image was captured under actual game conditions reflecting competitive intensity. tailback photos stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A royalty free DSLR action photo of two football players battling for an airborne ball in a stadium setting. Clad in gray and red uniforms, both players jump and stretch in midair above an astroturf field. The player in gray seems to have the advantage. This image was captured under actual game conditions reflecting competitive intensity.

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